Friday, October 8, 2021



Welcome back everyone to! Today we continue our Haunted Attraction Tour 2021 with our trip to Frightland. Frightland is celebrating their 25th season open and is a great night out located in Middleton, Delaware. Frightland is known for its eight Haunted Attractions and Carnival rides and games with food trucks. Let us get into this review. 

This year, Maybe it is too early in the season but Frightland had a different feel to it. A lot was missing. From missing rides to missing food games. Frightland seemed really empty for 2021. This could all just be a result of it being so early in the season as they had only opened the night before our visit. But at HH365, we report what we see. And that is what we clearly saw. Let us get to the 8 Attractions that Frightland has to offer. 

First on the agenda every night at Frightland is the Haunted Hayride. Your mission will start here as it used to drop you off to 4 more attractions. Now, they drop you off to 6 Attractions. This years Hayride was a fun ride. Many of the same scenes and props. Some great Animatronics along the way but it felt a little stale during the travel. The Actors really out did them selves on the Hayride which was its shiniest point for 2021. If you are new to Hayrides and only get to a couple each year, then you will enjoy the Haunted Hayride at Frightland. We will get to our scoring now. 

After you finish up the Hayride, You are dropped off at Ravenwood Cemetery. Ravenwood Cemetery is your Haunted Cemetery walk through. The few Actors inside the cemetery made it worth the trip through. The lighting feels less lit to us this year. Almost like they took some of the effect lighting out. Something felt off with the lighting and the props activation as we were constantly a head of all of them. There are really cool animatronics inside this walk through but we missed a lot of them. Timing being off is kind of a thought for every attraction tonight but we will get into that later. We will get to the scoring of Ravenwood Cemetery. 
Directly after the Cemetery, Your group will enter into FEAR. Fear is one of their younger Attractions at only a couple years old and you can see how it has grown but also, stayed the same. We enjoyed this walk through. We noticed the biggest lack of Actors in here. The few Actors inside though did pull of a great job! Also, We think the Jeep should be a little louder to really jump out. But, again like most of the night, we completely missed it as it was slow timed. Let us get to the scoring of FEAR. 
After FEAR, You enter back in time to the Ol' Wild West. Yee Haw! Ghost Town. Ghost Town is a Western Style Walk Through. This could be fun for first time guest but this Attraction has not changed a bit in a while. The great factor about Ghost Town is The Actors! Great interaction with guests and great Character choices and accents to complete! The Actors keep this from being completely stale, They were seriously entertaining in this Attraction. Let us get to the Scoring. 
Once you are don Ghost Town, You are directed right into Haunted Barn and then the Attic without a break. There is one portapotty, and that is fine if your group is only 3-4 deep. But, if your group is 20 deep and half of them have to use the rest room because it has been close to two hours since you have been able to stop at one. This is going to create a problem and there is nowhere to grab a drink or a snack until you are full done 6 full Attractions. Maybe this was a Covid Device or more likely a device to keep input flowing but this, in my opinion is a problem and makes the night less enjoyable. Well, onto Haunted Barn. 
Haunted Barn is a nicely detailed walk through. There are a couple new scenes inside which were really cool but the lack of Actors inside one new scene really missed the mark for what could have been a great scare as there is a massive distraction in the room. The Actor inside there was very funny and very clever. He did a great job messing with you. He did an amazing job. And saved this Attraction from being almost boring. Let us get to the scoring of Haunted Barn. 
After Haunted Barn you are directed to the Attic. 
The Attic was a winding black out maze. From basically the start of the Attraction you are blind and only using your hands to escape the terror. I had a good time in this Attraction this year. The Wifey even got to feel a shock panel. The Actors did a great job with the timing of their scares and hid very well. Decent use of animatronics in here to do the good olé swap scare. This is not your Grandmothers Attic and that is for sure. This was one of the better Blackout mazes of the season and we will see how it scored out. 
After your trip through The Attic. You are FINALLY released back into the Midway. I have to be flat out with all of you. This was a tough transition doing 6 Attractions back to back to back. This may have been Covid founded to help separate people or it could help them with the input/output. For me, there is only one porta potty on the journey through. On their normal nights these 6 Attractions could easily take well into 2-3 hours to get through. Also, with not coming back to the midway, you miss out on grabbing a drink and taking a quick break. Was not a fan of this, but if it helps input/output there is nothing we can do but understand. After you are released into the Midway the only option left is to enter Idalia Manor. 
Idalia Manor is always my favorite Attraction at Frightland. 2021 was no different. I must have something for "Haunted House" walk throughs. They are always the top of my lists from Idalia Manor to Bates Motel. I really get into the House walkthroughs. Idalia Manor is an outstanding High Detail Haunted Attraction. With fun and sometimes shocking passageways, Idalia Manor brings the fun and the scares to you. It is very hard to find the Haunt coming to you inside here with the great layout and planning and even set detail bring this Haunted Manor to life. This is really the main reason I come to Frightland as often as I can. Let us get to the scoring! 
After Idalia Manor, You are directed right to the Biggest Surprise of the Night! Zombie Prison!
Ladies and Gentleman, Zombie Prison is all new! My tunnel entrance was lacking a little bit but it was still hard to see in front of you so the Effect still works. Zombie Prison used to be a blackout maze. Now, You enter a REAL prison! They went up and above inside this Haunted Attraction. We do not know if that was done this season or last as we missed the 2020 Season at Frightland. We really enjoyed the look of the basically Brand New Attraction. We cannot wait to see what is to come for Zombie Prison. Let us get to the scoring. 
That is what we have for you from the Attractions at Frightland. We went early in the season so we will see how the season shapes up for the Great team at Frightland. There was certainly things we did not enjoy about the night but this is all subjective. We still think Frightland was great night out and think you should go! Frightland is always a good time and a goodnight out to be had by all. Let us get to the overall scoring of Frightland 2021. 
That is all we have for you today at HH365. Click the thumbnail below to view our Video Review of Frightland. Thank you for reading Halloween Haunts, Where Every Day Is Haunt Season! 




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