Hayride of the Year: Field of Screams
Haunted Attraction of the year: Idalia Manor: Frightland
Haunt of the Year: Field Of Screams

Welcome back for another installment of HH365.com. Last night the team took the very long trek up to Brighton Asylum for their One Night Only Night Of The Creeps Attraction.
This attraction brings all of your favorite Horror characters to life and throws them right into your face. This is something I always thought more Haunts should get on board with. Even if it is just one night. Surround the fan base with their favorite Murderers and Madmen. Torture them with the Villains of the movies that have made fans jump out of their seats for now approaching decades.
Well lets get to the review. The first stop at Brighton Asylum is The Tunnel. While standing in line to enter The Tunnel, we were handed fully automatic weapons. These were given to us to mow down the Zombie uprising that was terrorizing The Tunnel. Once we entered the building we were loaded into an elevator to take us down to The Tunnel. We were greeted in the elevator by a Southern Sheriff by the name of Hoyt. His job was to inform us that his nephew was looking for new faces to slice off and wear as his own. And at this point, I knew standing in the cold and the three hour drive was totally going to be worth every second of it.
This was our third trip through The Tunnel this year, as they did not change much of the design or decor of The Tunnel. They really did not have to. A lot of the Movie Maniacs fit right into the existing Facade. Brighton Asylum did a wonderful job using what they already have and mixed new characters into it flawlessly. From Historic Psychopaths to Modern Evil, The Tunnel brought it hard. Lets get to the scoring

After escaping The Tunnel, You are stripped of your weapons and head up to the door of Brighton Asylum. This was amazing because right out side of the entrance you are greeted by one of the little girls jumping rope in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Without saying a word she starts singing. 1,2 Freddy's coming for you, 3,4 Better lock your door. She continues with her song as she hands out the please touch necklaces. When she was done handing out the necklaces and finished her Nursery Rhyme she waves you on in and lets you know that Freddy is waiting for you.
The Night of The Creeps was the best attraction we have seen out of Brighton Asylum. And walking through the many corridors of the Asylum brought so many Movies we have all watched over and over again to life. In one case for the girlfriend it became a little too real. Having an already existing gigantic phobia of Jason Voorhees, This is what made everything so worth it. I am going to run through the scene. As you walk down a dark corridor you see Mr. Voorhees for a split second, then he disappears behind a door. Well, as you turn the corner. Mrs Voorhees is standing there yelling at you for letting her little boy drown. As you walk passed her you hop on a little bridge over looking what would be Crystal Lake per say. Well that is where my night went from good to great as Jason Voorhees jumped out of nowhere and literally tried to drag my Girlfriend over the bridge into his lake. This prompted a scream from her that probably woke at least 10 dead people. This was the biggest scream I have ever heard out of her. AMAZING JOB! That 15 second interval made the cold and the trip worth it.
Adding many movies into the Asylum, they did a fantastic job recreating New and Old Horror and bringing it to Life. Here are the Scores for the Asylum.

Not that this will be much surprise, but here is what we scored the Night Of Creeps Attraction at Brighton Asylum.
That is our coverage from The Night Of Creeps. Stay Tuned this week as we have FINALLY wrapped up our Award Winners for 2016. With Transworld coming up and all of the haunts looking forward to next season we wanted to get our Awards finalized. These will be posted by the end of the week to see who was BEST OF THE BEST FOR 2016. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.

Welcome Back To HH365 for the start of the 2017 Haunt Review Tour! Our first stop in 2017 brings us all the way out to Lancaster, PA and the Field of Screams Haunted Attraction. As you can see by the photo above, Field of Screams is celebrating their 25th Anniversary. This will be our second official visit to Field of Screams. With some Haunted Attractions, visiting the next year is usually the same visit as the year before. With FOS, they destroyed that stigma. Dead and Buried. Now, lets get into what we LOVED about FOS for 2017.
As you enter Field of Screams from the main entrance, you really just get blown away with everything that is going on. There is a live band playing, there is already a ton of excited customers waiting for the attractions to open. Then there is great food and unique games to keep you occupied if you arrive early and have to wait for attractions to open. In our group, we love Haunted Attractions but we really enjoy the night out aspect. We love a Haunt where we can stay the night and just wander around the fun of the Fall evening. FOS offers that experience and at very affordable pricing.

These are just a few of the views from the very fun "midway" at Field of Screams. Now, lets get into the attractions.
Seen above is the listing of the Attractions for the evening. Lets get to the first Attraction we visited of the evening.
Frightmare Asylum. As we walked through the line for Frightmare Asylum, We were actually walking to our first attraction of the year. The anticipation building inside of us was so huge, you could feel in the air how excited we were to FINALLY get back into a Haunted Attraction. We could not get to the ticket window fast enough. And no matter how fast we walked, it felt like forever until we reached the entrance. As we stood waiting to enter this decrepit asylum, we took notice to the amazing detail given to the outside of the building. It really looked like we were about to tour the inside of a very old insane asylum. Then suddenly, the door whipped open and we got our first full smell and fell of Haunt Season and we could not run through this door fast enough.
Frightmare Asylum is a Highly Detailed Attraction. Designed as an old Insane Asylum where every turn is a completely different part of an Asylum. From Housing to the Morgue. Frightmare Asylum is a decent length attraction that will attack a ton of different fears people have. Using hard working scare actors and outstanding lighting, this really had Asylum shine. This was our 3rd favorite Attraction of the evening. Now lets get to the scoring.
There is the scoring for Frightmare Asylum. Our team of four for the evening voted on a number scale from 5 to 1, and this is how the voting came out. Lets get in to our next stop!
The 2016 Hayride Champion! Field of Screams Haunted Hayride. We basically tallied up Frightmare Asylum and went running into the Hayride Entrance and could not wait to see this evil face look at us as we entered the line.
This gigantic pumpkin headed creature rises and tells you what your about to expect on the very long Hayride. And it does not lie, this Hayride is filled to the brim with a ton of actors, props and mayhem. This Hayride will be hard to beat again in 2017. We were stunned at every turn of the Detail and Craftsmanship put forth by the team at Field of Screams. Not to mention the crazy amount of highly skilled Scare Actors who really brought every scene to life! Now, lets get to the scoring.
We all thought the same thing as we exited the Haunted Hayride, This already looks like the Winner for 2017 too. Now, lets head to Our Favorite Attraction of the Night.
The Den of Darkness. WOW. That's really all that could come out of our mouths as half of our team went running out of the exit for safety. This was easily the most Terrifying Attraction of the night. And will be hands down in the running for best Attraction of the Year! We loved every turn of Den of Darkness this season. This Attraction really used all of its power to hit every kind of fear imaginable. Now lets get to the scoring.
Now on to our next Attraction, The completely redone..
Nocturnal Wasteland. Nocturnal Wasteland looked completely new this year. Adding a walk through that has never been done in this Industry. We so badly want to share what it is but your going to have to go and see it for your self. This completely changed Nocturnal Wasteland for the better. We can not believe the amount of work this must have taken. We think they must have brought the workers in the day after they closed for last season to pull of what they did with this Attraction. Not to mention making the existing scenes even better. Nocturnal Wasteland is an extremely well detailed Haunted Trail. Where we have no idea where they found half of the stuff that is inside that walk through.
Our only add to this attraction is that we think it could have used a couple more Actors. There was a little too much down time especially in walk through scenes. With that being said we still LOVED what they did with the brand new beginning. Lets get to the Scoring!
This has been our review for Field of Screams 2017. We had an amazing night out in Lancaster, Pa. We want to thank the entire team at FOS for having us out and giving it your all on a great performance. It is still early and we have many Haunts to visit but we already know, Field of Screams will be in the Top running for All awards this year. Our Overall Vote for Field of Screams 2017.....................
No question that this Haunt earned a 5 bloodsplat for the Overall. You have blown us away again Field of Screams. Thank you so much for having us out again. We love the job the entire team pulls off year after year.
Stay tuned to HH365.com as we have Many Haunt Reviews coming up in the next couple weeks. Make sure to follow us on all social media outlets! Just click on the right side of the website to follow us easily!
Thank you and Good Night!
The next stop on Haunt Tour 2017 was Fright Factory. Fright Factory is located in a very old warehouse building in the Industrial side of South Philadelphia. Also located at the building was a Mini Golf Course that you would only pay five dollars for with a Fright Factory ticket stub plus an Escape Room is located around the corner. This will be our first visit to Fright Factory so let us get started with the review!
While in line waiting to speak to the ticket clerk we were able to see the line entertainment for the evening.
This Pennywise line performer was a great addition. He messed with everyone in line and posed for pictures at the drop of a hat. Very funny actor who added to the entire experience. Without him you were basically in a line in South Philly staring at a ticket booth. We enjoyed his antics and personality. He really put his own spin on Pennywise The Dancing Clown. On to the Attraction we go!
After turning in our ticket we are walked into a very large downhill decent into the underground of Philadelphia. This attraction is located deep in the basement of this old building. As you watch the building turn from brick to rocks you can see how deep you are under the Philadelphia Streets.
After reaching the ticket taker, you get your free photo taken that arrives on their Facebook page and you are on your way.
Fright Factory will be judged as an entire Attraction for our purposes. The biggest issue we found with Fright Factory is that you have no idea when you enter a new attraction. It is billed to have three different walk through attractions but the problem is you have no idea when you enter the next attraction. It is setup as one very long walk through. We could have used a sign, maybe a snack stand or something in between "attractions".
Fright Factory was a very interesting Walk Through. One minute you are looking at a very poorly painted and designed wall, the next you are staring a $20,000 animatronic prop in the face. We can tell this is an attraction that they are trying to grow through out the years. We are very interested to see what they do in the upcoming years. They have the right idea. But as we all know in the Haunt Industry, Ideas take money and time.
We also very much enjoyed the actors in this Haunt. They were all very talented and knew what they were doing. It was set up to have one actor set up 2 or 3 different scares from their one station. And if you ask our VP, they did deliver even though you knew it was coming.
The scenes in Fright Factory changed from room to room. Some of them were outstanding. Such as the Butcher Shop and Satanic Church, others...not so much. Our favorite scene was a moat designed with lasers and fog. This was an outstanding effect and want to see more of it in Haunts everywhere. It really plays with your mind and gives you the feeling of walking in waist high water. We kind of stopped traffic as we were trying to figure out how this effect was created. Sorry Fright Factory!
Did we hate this Haunt? Absolutely not. Is there some work left to do? Yes. We want to take this time and thank Fright Factory for hosting our team out to your Attraction. You guys were awesome! We had fun! We would suggest anyone in the South Philly area sitting at home bored to go check it out.
Now lets get to what will be difficult scoring of the Attraction as a whole.
And for our Final Scoring of Fright Factory!
We see some potential in this Haunted Attraction, So the biggest way they can grow is if you go out and see it. Lets help a local Attraction grow into a Top Attraction and go have fun! Was a good night out of the house!
Well guys! We leave for Orlando, Florida and plan on reviewing every Attraction for Halloween Horror Nights. Plus when we come back we have three local attractions that weekend. It will be very busy for us and we will get you the reviews as soon as we can. So in the next week we will be reviewing close to 12 Attractions. We have never done so many in such a time frame but we are going to Make it Happen. Sorry for the slow start to Haunt Season, but we are jam packed full of Attractions to review this Fall! Including some reviews of attractions our Correspondent is heading to. Keep it here for the 2017 Haunt Season!
Tonight’s stop on our 2017 Haunt Tour brings the team up the Garden State Parkway to Central New Jersey and the Scared in Jersey Haunted Attraction. Located at the PNC Arts Center right off the parkway, Scared in Jersey is a first year Haunted Attraction based on the very old tale of Mrs. Leeds and the 13th child she gave birth to. That’s correct, The Infamous Jersey Devil.
Growing up so close to where the Jersey Devil was born in South Jersey, this story is one I have followed for a long time. So, to finally see a Haunted Attraction open based on the 300-year-old story, I was ecstatic. We could not find a contact fast enough. Thanks to some great people we were on our way up north.
When you arrive to the Haunt, there are a couple vendors set up and some people hanging out in this type of courtyard right before the Attractions start. Some food and drinks. We looked around and headed into the line for the Attraction.
After the line you head to a giant stage setup. The lights go dark and a very loud and piercing voice comes down from the top right of the huge stage. The actor started to warn you about the harms of heading into the pine barrens and started telling the story of the birth of the Jersey Devil. After his act, actors took the stage and you got to see the birth of the ageless icon. With great use of effects and sound it really came to life and we really enjoyed the opening act.
The rest of this Walk-Through Attraction was another story.
First Attraction up was The Pine Barren Maze
After about 3 to 4 mins after entering the first attraction we started to notice that there wasn’t a whole lot to this attraction. The scenes were set up with the odd corners for the scares to begin but they never came. Not one actor even attempted to jump out at us the entire time throughout the entire first attraction. The Haunt was set up like a first year Haunt is expected to look plus some but there were no scares. There were setups for the jump scares but no actors. This was a massive disappointment. The one actor that completely missed his mark was a random clown character. What is he doing in the Pine Barrens or what does he have to do with the Jersey Devil? We have been in Home Haunts that had more jump scares. We really could not understand what was going on.
Here is the Scoring for The Pine Barren Maze
Next Attraction was Old Mother Leeds Cottage. We are hoping this was just a very very off night for this New Attraction but just like The Pine Barrens maze, It was much of the same. The first miss was that you were not sure when the next attraction started because you just kept walking. Good setups for jump scares that had nothing behind the hidden walk ways. The one part we enjoyed was the Leeds Family cemetery. This was a well-designed scene. But right after that scene, we watched an actor lay on the floor. Perfect, here we go. She is going to jump up and scare the beginning of the group or the middle or come up behind. NOPE! She just laid there. We stopped and watched the group go by and then she jumps or gets up. No one was there, she missed the entire group. What was the point?
Here is the scoring for Old Mother Leeds Cabin.
We cannot exactly be sure of what happened. But this night did not go well. This is really the only time it really sucks to be a Haunt Review team. Scared in Jersey has a long way to go. This is our Overall Score for Scared in Jersey.
We want to thank our contacts at this brand new Haunted Attraction, we love meeting new people in the Industry every year. If you are interested in using consultants for next year’s show, feel free to reach out to us. We can get the scares moving for you.
All pictures seen above are property of Scared in Jersey. We won’t take photo credit.
Well we still have a whole season in front of us! Currently writing 2 more reviews after this one. They will be posted in order of visit. So, look forward to seeing our Frightland and Bloodshed Farms review.
Until Next time! Keep it here for All your Haunt needs and questions.
Before we begin tonight's journey, I wanted to change our scoring for sometime with the Animatronics voting. Not ever Haunt has Animatronics and a bigger reason for the change is they are not always needed to complete the scare. So going forward, Animatronics will be changed to Props, which are vital to any Haunts Success. Now lets gets to FRIGHTLAND.
Welcome back for the next edition of Halloween Haunts 365. Tonight’s stop on the 2017 Haunt Tour brings us to Middletown, Delaware to Frightland!
This was our third trip to Frightland. Frightland is always a great night out! We look forward to this stop every year. Packed full with 8 Attractions and an entire Carnival with great food, what is there not to love?
After parking and heading in we saw the massive line of people waiting to get their tickets to the fun. As big as the line was, they were moving very quickly. Good work by the Frightland team. Like we do and everyone should do at Frightland first. We headed to the Haunted Hayride.

Frightland understands that wait times can be dreadful for people in them. So Frightland makes their longest line the most fun. With a live DJ and music videos playing on a Giant Screen, the wait seems so much better than just standing in a field waiting for the people in front of you to move. After listening to a great play list of music, you are ready for the Hayride. Something new for 2017 with the Hayride was a new Que System. This was a great idea on their part. You are taken from your line and put in a creepy lit “barn” with seats as you awaited your ride. We really enjoyed the eerie light and just waiting for something to happen before the ride even started. Plus, after waiting in that line, it was nice to sit down quicker than you normally would.
As you enter the Hayride, the one thing I always enjoyed about Frightland’s take on the Haunted Hayride was the benches on the trailer. Instead of trying to figure out how to sit comfortably on wood and hay while leaning against metal. Frightland has benches with very low guardrails to full immerse you in the Attraction. Every year Frightland adds or changes something in every attraction they do. The Hayride is no different. If you want to know what changed, get in the car! We loved the Hayride this year and so will you. Here is our scoring for the Horror Hayride.

Next stop after the Horror Hayride. The Ravenwood Cemetery. This Attraction is easily their most improved Haunt for 2017. The past two years, it was a decent walk through. But now, it has become a must-see attraction! We were blown away by the massive changes inside. This was now one of my favorite Attractions of the night. This alone was easily worth the drive! Remember that Frightland is easily accessible from NJ, PA, DEL and beyond! Here is our Scoring of Ravenwood Cemetery.
After leaving Ravenwood Cemetery, you head into the Fear Walk-Through. Fear is an Attraction that tries to play with a lot of the fears the average person has. Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia, Nyctophobia and many, many more. Fear is a fun walk through that will test a lot of Phobias. Can’t give up too many details but be ready to scream. Here is our scoring of FEAR.
Next stop, Zombie Town. Zombie Town is a Western Walk Through where you walk through the past in the old west. This had a lot of newly redone scenes that really added to this Attraction. After the hysterical Cowboy host walks you into the Attraction is when the fun begins! We do have to say, we miss the rifle firing off in the courtyard. This was always fun watching everyone jump with every gun shot. Maybe a comeback for 2018? We can hope. Here is our scoring of Zombie Town.
After those Haunts, you are brought back to the Carnival always going on at Frightland. We love this break because it’s a great time to get some food, play some games. If you just screamed and ran through 4 attractions for your life, you may need the break to eat and get on some bumper cars to build up the guts for 4 more!
After our group voted on the first 4 attractions, we headed into last year’s favorite. Idalia Manor. Idalia Manor is a Haunted House walk through. Comprised of many different rooms a lot of different themes. This is just like walking through a horror movie about a haunted house. The detail is amazing at every turn and filled with awesome actors at every turn, Idalia’s Manor never disappoints! Here is our not surprising votes on Idalia Manor.
After the Manor, we headed into another classic attraction, Zombie Prison. We love this attraction year after year too. The effects in this attraction make it stand out from the rest. Amazing use of lighting and fog really make the attraction seem twice as long as it really is. They added more to zombie prison as well. Here is our 2017 scoring of Zombie Prison.
After Zombie Prison we got in line for The Haunted Barn. This was a standout last year so we were excited to hop right in to it. To our surprise and pleasure, Frightland changed a lot of the Haunted Barn. There was more madness and more actors. More to every scene and a job well done all together. It is hard to not give more detail so let us just get to the scoring.
Next and last attraction of the night. The Attic. The attic was probably our least favorite attraction of 2016. It is well done and creepy but it was missing something last year. This year they found it. Right now, I want to apologize to all of the actors I accidentally felt up this year! Not my fault, you cannot see in there. I had my second jump of 2017 thanks to The Attic. Now we head to the scoring.
Frightland Stepped it up HUGE this year. The changes, including the slight ones made the biggest difference. This needs to be seen in the Haunt Industry because change is always needed, even if it just a room or wall or lighting. Change is the key to growth in our Industry. We have been to some Haunts 4-5 times and nothing ever changes. I will get off my soap box now and give the overall scoring for Frightland.
Frightland deserves this score up and down. Our Hats are off to them for the job they did this year. And again, thank you so much for having us out again.This will be an interesting finish at the end. Who do you think should win?
Next stop on our 2017 Haunt Tour. Bloodshed Farms. Until next time! Keep it here for all of your Haunt Reviews and information. Thank you all!
Tonight’s Journey brings the HH365 team up north a little bit to Bloodshed Farms.
Bloodshed Farms is located directly across the Columbus Market on Rt. 206 in Columbus, NJ. Last year, this Haunted Attraction was easily one of our favorite stops on last year’s tour. We view Bloodshed Farms as a special type of Haunted Attraction that keeps growing and growing. We love going to see what they added from last year.
After getting our tickets, we got a chance to speak with the Co-Owner of the Haunt. Like a True Haunt Enthusiast, he would not give us any details on anything that’s new or added. That’s fine by us as we were about to enter the attraction and see it for ourselves. After discussing the Haunt Industry for a couple minutes, We headed to our first attraction. The Last Ride!
The Last Ride is a unique look at the typical Haunted Hayride. You travel through the Cornfields in a very different wagon then you are used too. We won’t give up too much detail, but the Hayride is not the only scare on your trip. This year, we felt that they Hayride was missing something that we could not quite put our thumb on. Something felt a little off this season on our trip. Maybe a rough actor night but The Last Ride was the only attraction that did not really grow from 2016. Let us get to our scoring.
Next up for the evening. Hellsgate Asylum. This Attraction is your Asylum Walk through. But far, far from your standard Asylum. This Attraction is stocked full of great actors and awesome props around every turn. With the best use of fog and music we have seen this year, this attraction was awesome. Will be in the running for Best Attraction of the Year from HH365. Let us get to the scoring before I Spoil All the Secrets.
After Hellsgate Asylum, we headed over to the Clown-O-Phobia attraction. This was our favorite out of Bloodshed Farms last year. Just like last year, Clown-O-Phobia takes the cake of all Clown Attractions this site has covered. The Hands-Down Best Clowns in the Area makes this attraction so special. Throw in a confusing maze and Awesome Actors, Clown-O-Phobia is always one of the Attractions we always look forward to. Here is the scoring on Clown-O-Phobia.
Also, If you find your self in need of Clowntertainment. Yes, That is in fact a made up word. Good Job! Reach out to these guys. You will not be disappointed.
The last Attraction of the night brings us to Trail of Terror. One of 2016s Flops turned into an Amazing Attraction. Our hats go off to the amount of work that went into the Trail this year. This Attraction grew 10 times over from last year. It was Creepy and perfectly timed Jump Scares that come from area you do not expect. This will easily be in the running for Most Improved Attraction of 2017. Let us get to the scoring.
That is the four Attractions at Bloodshed Farms, but that is not all there is to do out there. Also, you can enter the Bloodshed. A single patron at a time attraction that will make you quiver under your darkest fears. Lock yourself into the Bloodshed and see if you can survive.
Also Appearing at Bloodshed Farms for its first year in service. The Camper Escape Room. The Camper Escape Room is a 15 minutes-Live Action, Interactive Escape Room Experience. Yes, Many Haunts now have Escape Rooms, but How many are fully Mobile? Great Idea from the brains at Bloodshed Farms. It will also be at many different locations throughout the year to keep Haunt Season Alive!
Here is our Overall Score for Bloodshed Farms!
Thank you all for a great 2017 Haunt Tour. We have a couple more stops before we wrap up our season including a Full HHN Review! Keep it here for your Haunted Addiction! We will continue with Interviews, Movie Reviews, Haunt News and more as we continue our year round coverage of Everything Haunted!
Welcome back to our next installment of Halloween Haunts 365.com. Today we will be heading back to HHN in Orlando, Florida. HHN is where they really bring movies to life and you get to walk through them. The movies the next reviews will cover are pictured below.
Along with Hollywood caliber designed walk throughs, HHN is full of designated Scare Zones. This year we got to see The Purge, Trick or Treat and some crazy demon nightmare that was crazy impressive.
Our first review will be on The Shining. Everyone remembers this outstanding classic horror flick. Set in a haunted hotel deep in the mountains. Some see this classic as one of the scariest movies ever made.
Walking through the attraction was much like the Movie. Every twist and turn modeled directly from the Overlook Hotel. As you walk through, you really notice how haunted the hotel really is and how crazy Jack is getting. From the twins to the crazy blood rushing down the staircase, this attraction had it all.
Another cool tool of fear used by the HHN crew was the use of temperature change. Towards the end of the maze, you notice you are outside of the Overlook hotel and then it starts to snow. Also, the temperature drops an easy 40 degrees. Right from inside the hotel to the garden maze, it pours cold air onto you to give you the feeling of being in that freezing cold.
Here is the scoring for the entire attraction The Shining.
That is our first HHN review. Make sure you come back and check out the rest of the reviews from Orlando.
Also make sure you keep checking back for updates on the Haunt Convention coming to Atlantic City, NJ. We will have all details coming shortly.
Until next time everyone!
Welcome back to the next episode of Halloween Haunts 365.com. We hope you enjoyed our last review of The Shining walk through. Today we will review an Original Attraction at HHN, Dead Waters.
Dead Waters was easily the best set up attraction. The second you enter the main room, there is a gigantic ship set in a foggy swamp. The scene is set with a very old steam ship run aground in what looks like a very dense swamp.
Inside of the ship is when you find out you are not alone. Flush through out the entire ship are the souls of the sailors and crew left for dead. Or should I say, Undead. These actors were amazing. This attraction uses not only jump scares and animatronics but also uneven walkways. There were scenes where you really thought you were in a ship that was capsizing.
The best way I can describe Dead Waters was to think back to Pirates of the Caribbean 2. The movie with all the sailors with shells and crustaceans growing on them. It looked a lot like that but much scarier.
Every turn took you into a different part of the ship. We really enjoyed this walk through as a whole because it was so original. It was a different kind of horror to experience and the hours put in must have been legendary to construct such a detailed walk through.
Yes, HHN has pretty much more resources and space then any Haunt we know of. Yes, they have full crews and year-round income. But Dead Waters really pushed the imagination. It I well deserved of the rating we gave it.
Here is the scoring for Dead Waters.
Thank you all for your time. Also, don’t forget! There is a Haunt Convention coming to our own neck of the woods! Make sure you buy your tickets now!
Until next time. Talk to you soon!

Welcome back to the next episode in our coverage of HHN. We hope you enjoy our look back at last years HHN. We know we enjoy bringing you back what we saw and if we found the visit worth the money.
Tonight’s journey brings us into one of my favorite walk through on this trip. American Horror Story.
American Horror Story the walk through started in the Murder House and took you right into the Coven. So, with the AHS walk through you start at the beginning in the murder house. Surrounded by many of the horrifying visuals from the first season this was an exciting start to the walk through. From men in skin tight black bondage outfits to crazy old ladies who talk to ghosts.
The next part of the walk through took you into the heart of AHS Asylum. This being one of my favorite episodes I was so happy to see this done very well. Just like the episode you really found your self deep in the bowels of Briarcliff Mental Institution. From the common room with the crazy ass song playing on repeat to the dungeon level where the Doctor kept his evil experiments. The final walk through for this scene was the main staircase room where everything has been destroyed. This looked 100% like the TV show.
After you leave asylum, you enter the crazy witch’s series as in AHS Coven. The Coven walk through was hard for us to look at because we had not seen that series yet. But after coming home we dug deep into the series and found that they did an amazing job all around. From the main headquarters for the Coven to the torture chambers of Marie Delphine LaLaurie.
Over all we enjoyed this attraction. HHN did a great job bringing American Horror Story to life. Let’s get to our scoring.
Thank you for reading! Also, make sure you check out our information on the Haunt Convention coming soon!

Welcome back for yet another episode of Halloween Haunts 365. We hope you are enjoying the off-season Haunt reviews. We will have some news updates when we finish our HHN reviews.
Our next attraction we will cover is Ash vs Evil Dead. Now let’s dive right into the next review from Halloween Horror Nights!
This will be very hard to write a complete review as I have not watched any of the episodes for this attraction. We have watched both movies, so we can give it the old college try.
Ash vs Evil Dead was a very entertaining walk through. Filled with many of the Villains and Hero’s from the TV series. From puppets to crazy psychotic demon women. Every turn was filled with fun and humor. For HH365 this was very different then we were used to. We have become accustom to finding the scariest walk throughs in the area. So humor was a new spin on a Haunted
One of the biggest differences we noticed was that the actors never really used their own voice. The would lip sync to a very loud speaker over your head. This was months ago, and I still haven’t decided if I really enjoyed that feature or despised it. Sure, using Bruce Campbells voice added to the attraction but I think it may have taken away from the actor’s talents.
Another unnerving feature of HHN is the 100 employees in regular clothes in every attraction waving their arms at you to speed you up. We get it. You have thousands upon thousands of people getting through an hour. But, we can’t put them in costume? Nothing breaks a scene like an employee standing in an effect waving at you to hurry up. This bothered me in every attraction we walked through.
Now, lets get to the scoring of Ash vs Evil Dead.
Thank you everyone for reading. We know its February, and everyone has summer on the brains. But Hunt season is still going at Halloween Haunts 365. So, to our die-hard readers, we thank you.
Also! Make sure you grab your tickets to the Haunt Convention. This is a convention we are very excited about and can’t wait to see everyone there.

Welcome back to next episode in our HHN series. We hope you have enjoyed the past couple reviews as we move onto our next one. SAW.
Based upon the Saw movies. Saw the walk through was much of the same. As you wander through Jigsaw’s palace of horrors you really see a lot of every movie in every turn. From the head trap placed on a horrified young lady to a crazy electrocution that really caught my eye. The effects in the scene were amazing. Lightning flying everywhere as an actor was being fried to his very doom.
These scenes were highly detailed and added guest activated scares. Which we were told because we were rushed so quickly through the attraction that we didn’t see any of these. We were told there was random red buttons that would trigger some Jigsaw mechanisms. But like the last post we started, you are running through this so fast its amazing we saw most of the scenes at all.
We enjoyed what we could see as we walked through. A lot of the Jigsaw contraptions used in the movies made an appearance. Nothing quite like movie quality props and scenes. The whole walk through looked like Jigsaw’s notorious building. From the fenced in closed circuit cameras to women stuck in the reverse bear trap.
Overall, this is how scored out experience in Saw.
Thanks for stopping by again to our website. We have a lot more to come and make sure you get your tickets for the Haunt Convention coming in May.
Until next time! We will talk to you soon.
Welcome back everyone to the next installment of Halloween Haunts 365. Tonight, we continue our trip to Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando, Florida. This was a trip we always wanted to do and are glad we got to experience all of it. With HHN, every year they add some Hollywood attractions and some Creative attractions. Tonight, we will cover one of the Creative attractions that Universal Studios built for the year. Hive!
Hive was a very interesting walk through. Hive was designed to look like you are walking through a secret community of Vampires.
As you start your journey you find your self in what looks like just a run-down town house. Litter and garbage everywhere. Then you start noticing there is something very different about the tenants that start coming out of the dry wall. You start noticing that there are bodies wrapped up in sheets and very weird high pitch screams.
As you continue the Walk, you notice that you are getting deeper and deeper into the colony of Vampires. You start to notice that the drywall walls are turning into a much older cryptic scene. Before you know it, you are deep in the Hive of the Vampires. Surrounded by direct workers of the Queen Vampire.
Hive was a fun, progressive and creepy walk through. Let’s get to the scoring of this HHN Original.
Thanks again for stopping by and checking out our Hive review. Do not forget! We have a Haunt Convention coming to town for most of us! Make sure you keep visiting HH365 for details.
Welcome back everyone to the next installment of Halloween Haunts 365. Tonight, we continue our trip to Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando, Florida. This was a trip we always wanted to do and are glad we got to experience all of it. With HHN, every year they add some Hollywood attractions and some Creative attractions. Tonight, we will cover one of the Creative attractions that Universal Studios built for the year. Hive!
Hive was a very interesting walk through. Hive was designed to look like you are walking through a secret community of Vampires.
As you start your journey you find your self in what looks like just a run-down town house. Litter and garbage everywhere. Then you start noticing there is something very different about the tenants that start coming out of the dry wall. You start noticing that there are bodies wrapped up in sheets and very weird high pitch screams.
As you continue the Walk, you notice that you are getting deeper and deeper into the colony of Vampires. You start to notice that the drywall walls are turning into a much older cryptic scene. Before you know it, you are deep in the Hive of the Vampires. Surrounded by direct workers of the Queen Vampire.
Hive was a fun, progressive and creepy walk through. Let’s get to the scoring of this HHN Original.
Thanks again for stopping by and checking out our Hive review. Do not forget! We have a Haunt Convention coming to town for most of us! Make sure you keep visiting HH365 for details.
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