Tonight we filmed a Video Review for Field of Screams and an Interview with Grin Creepy, Check it out Below!
Also check out our link to Spotify.
1. Fright Haven
Welcome back to Halloween Haunts! Today we start our 2021 Haunt Tour with our first review coming out of Fright Haven.
Fright Haven is a Non-Profit Indoor Haunted Attraction located in Stratford, Connecticut. Proceeds from the Attraction go right back into the Community. If you are in the area, or feel like a road trip. Head on up there and know it is for a good cause. The picture above was borrowed from their website. We will yell at our Review Team for the missed picture immediately. We have only been threatening to fire him for the past six years. Maybe this is the year..... Anyway. This review comes from our Correspondent out in the field. John. Let us see what John thought of Fright Haven for the First Review of the Season!
Welcome to the first review of Haunt season 2021!!! This trip over to Fright Haven was an extremely last-minute decision to visit since it’s one of the first few Haunts to open early. So, we took the three-hour drive to Connecticut, and it was worth it.
This year, Fright Haven added a new attraction named Witching hour which (no pun intended) was a lot better than the carnival attraction they had the year prior. Tickets here are $25 which honestly is very good for a Three Attraction Haunt, now let’s get into the attractions.
The first attraction we started with was Psycho Ward 13. This attraction was an Asylum Haunt. Asylum Inmates taking over the Asylum and coming for blood. I was impressed with the Actors. We felt that the Actors this season did a little better job than the prior year. Props were pretty cool, and the interaction was cool as well. We felt this Attraction was short as it was only about 3-4 minutes long. Let us get to the scores!
The next Attraction up is Wasteland. This attraction picks up right after Psycho Ward 13 ends and just like that one Wasteland is the same attraction as it was last year with some updated scenes and props. I do like this Attraction a lot more than the last one since this segment was a little longer and livelier. Wasteland is an Apocalypse based house and once again the main thing that really stuck with me is the Actors, they really took the throne this year. I would say walking through the attraction was about a 5–7-minute experience and it was worth it, I loved it. We think the props could use a little work in certain areas of this House. Overall, we enjoyed this walk through. Let us get to the scoring!
The new and last attraction that they have to offer is called Witching hour. This Attraction is about a family getting cursed by witches after a family moved into the witches’ home. Now this Attraction I really liked due to the fact that actors were allowed to touch you and it was their new Attraction. The lighting was perfect, but it was still easy to miss somethings cause of the lighting. The one thing that was lacking was the Actors, I remember only seeing a handful of them, but I would like to point the one actor out that followed me and my group from the start to the end of the attraction. He was really good for a few scares out of one of my friends. This attraction felt kind of long. Let us get to the scoring.
Overall For Fright Haven 2021:
I do recommend coming out to Fright Haven. It’s a unique Haunt which I think everyone should try out once. They usually have a new Attraction every year and also, they offer coffin rides and merchandise. The coffin ride is $8 for two people, and I believe $4 for single riders. Thank you for reading my review of Fright Haven, there’s going to be plenty more reviews coming this season from us. Thanks for reading!!!!
Well, That is our first review of 2021. Sounds like Fright Haven is gearing up for a hell of a season as we are doing the same for 2021. We just hit 110,000 Views! We started our YouTube Channel that will be a weekly event once we get the new Headquarters moving. It will also be turned into an Actual Podcast when the said office is finished. We will see you all soon as Saturday we take on Field of Screams! Thank you all for reading and make sure you keep coming back to HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
#2 Field of Screams
Welcome back to another edition of HH365! Today we have our second Haunt Review of the 2021 Season. We want to start of by thanking Field of Screams for the Hospitality shown to our group at their 2021 Media Night. The Field of Screams Media Night always kicks off our Haunt Tour every year.
This season marks Field of Screams 29th Season of Haunting. Located in Mountville, PA. Field of Scream always delivers. This is more then just a Haunted Attraction. This is a complete night our for the Family and the Hardcore Haunt Enthusiast. The team truly gives off a Family feel as you watch them interact with each other and the crowd. You can literally feel the love they all have for what they do and all their teammates and fans.
Field of Screams, like mentioned earlier. Is a night out for the entire family. There are four World Class Attractions including Frightmare Asylum, Den of Darkness, Nocturnal Wasteland and Haunted Hayride. If the Attractions are not your cup or tea or have little ones in tow for the evening, there is plenty of games to play and Escape rooms to get out of. A great midway to watch people run from clowns and other Characters. Throw in some great food and a free photo booth and a stage with live music playing. This is a Haunt for everyone to have a great night out of the house. Check out this Video clip we made showing the surrounding entertainment.
We started the night on the Haunted Hayride. The FOS Hayride is easily one of the best in the Country. From the incredible actors to the intense Hollywood quality scenes that they actually let you enjoy by stopping the tractor and lets everyone enjoy the show. This hayride as a full menu for all of your Terrors. From Clowns, Sci-Fi, Slaughter House and more. Slow moments are very rare and the sky is set a blaze nightly with flames. I love this hayride and every year you can see the additions. This year, we know what the prizes in the wildwood boardwalk feel like! Let us get to the scoring of an easy entry into Hayride of the Year.
After that Amazing Hayride, we headed on over to Frightmare Asylum.
We are going to be honest with our fans for a minute. I can not sit here and tell you that Haunts all change so significantly year after year. A lot of them do not. There are some that we do not hit every season for this reason. One of the reasons why we always kick off our season off at Field of Screams is because you can instantly notice every change and how much work and time they pour into their Attractions. They went so hard on Frightmare Asylum that I would guestimate that 30 to 40 percent of that Haunt I did not recognize from March. With this being my 7th time through Frightmare Asylum and that much stands out as new to me. It is truly a testament to the team at FOS. It shows that they bank on change and upgrades to keep their Attractions fresh every year to keep that return customer. The freshness we see at FOS helps us get excited to go to more Haunts and see what others have added or changed. FOS shows the community that you do not have to rebuild or add an entire Attraction to make a difference every year. Lighting, slight prop move, Slight Actor blind changes can make a whole room of a walk through feel different. We do want to shout out an Actress inside. She was a "Nurse" holding a stapler trying to stitch you up after seeing the doctor. Her laugh was awesome and really added to the scene. Let us get to the scoring for Frightmare Asylum which could make it to the Finals for Attraction of the Year!
After Frightmare Asylum we headed towards Den of Darkness, I was super excited about this one this year.
During the offseason, I enjoy reaching out to Haunt Owners and finding out if there is any news they want to share of any tidbits coming up for their Upcoming season. I received an email from FOS talking heavily about deep changes to Den of Darkness. We were not disappointed! It is my opinion that Den of Darkness is one of the most detailed Attraction I have ever walked through. They had so many different scenes and props that really made me stop and check it out deeper while holding up the line. The changes to Den of Darkness really made it pop into my mind for my favorite of the night. This Attraction we feel is a must see Attraction for the 2021 season. Let us get to the scoring for the New and Improved Den of Darkness.
After being blown away by Den of Darkness, we almost forgot we have another Attraction to go through. We headed over to Nocturnal Wasteland.
It is no secret to anyone that follows our Reviews, I am not the biggest fan of Nocturnal Wasteland. Well, that quote is a thing of the past. I am saving my favorite Attraction for the YouTube/Podcast review coming. I will throw this little piece in though, Nocturnal Wasteland is very much in the running for my Favorite Attraction at FOS for 2021. As well as Attraction of the Year from HH365! WOW! I really cannot pin down what changes changed my mind but I really loved every second I was in there this season. You will literally not believe where you end up while walking this Outdoor Trail. Even with the Tesla Coil off, ::cough::::cough::. hmmm excuse me. Even with my favorite part of that Attraction not activated, I really enjoyed all that it had to offer. The only thing I will give up is to hold on in the last scene. I almost went down with my bigger frame. But! This Attraction was outstanding this year and it is tempting to go through again. Let us get to the Scoring for yet again another entry into Attraction of the year for HH365!
That wraps up our Attraction reviews for Field of Screams in 2021. We took a couple more pictures we want to share to show the Quality of this Haunt. Check them out and we will get to the FOS 2021 Final Score!
The final rating for Field of Screams 2021:
Field of Screams hit the biggest homerun we have seen in a while. It will take a massive undertaking to beat out what we got to see this season out of one of the best Haunted Attractions in the Country. Right now, FOS is the leader in the club house for all of our Awards for the season. This season is young, But it will take a Monumental show to break them out of Haunt of the Year 2021!
Well, our first Haunt was an Epic Success. We have tons more to go through this season. Make sure you follow the website, You tube and Podcast as we continue our Fall journey. You can reach all of those links on the right side of this screen. Make sure you like and subscribe as unlike a lot of others, HH365 brings content all year long! That is all we have for you today at HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
#3 Reapers Revenge.
Welcome back everyone to another edition of HH365! Today our slightly stalled fear wagon finally pushed on and is delivering another Haunt Review for 2021. Reapers Revenge. Our Brand is currently working on five Haunts this weekend so the coverage will be coming at you from all angles! Let us get to this review!
This review will look a little different from most of ours from the past. The staff at Reapers held a "No Photo" request of all the Media and we are more then happy to comply. They gave us amazing access to their Media Gallery to maybe even make it prettier! Now! On to the meat! Dead Meat!
Reapers Revenge invited us out to their 2021 Media Day. We were given an outstanding Behind the Scenes look into the magic that makes Reapers Revenge a World Class Haunted Attraction. It was a Fantastic day for us at HH365 as we were able to learn a ton and got to mingle with some of the Owners and Leadership team that really goes out of their way for their team and fans every year. A quick thank you to you all for some great insight into what it takes to build a Top Tier Haunt and what it takes to keep it running Year after Year.
Like we mentioned earlier, this will look a little different. We will usually post a picture of the entrance and then get into the review. We have a picture of all of the Attractions Reapers has to offer and then we will go into the reviews!
Haunted Hayride:
I have been sitting in front of this computer monitor for close to a half hour to think of how to even put this Hayride into words that will even come close to justify everything we saw out there last night. The Updated 2021 Haunted Hayride at Reapers Revenge is the Best Hayride I have ever been on. There is no Debate. I do not think this will be beat in 2021. The Height of the Attractions. The Acting in EVERY scene. The Audio that surrounds your cart and many other Factors went into this. This Hayride Will Blow You Away and make you want to get right back on! I am not giving any spoilers, this is all the info I will leave you. This Haunted Hayride is enough for the price of admission and worth a many miles drive! Get There Now! Here is the scoring for Haunted Hayride.
About 3/4 of the way through the Hayride you will exit the cart to visit another Attraction. The Lost Carnival. The Lost Carnival is one of the coolest Carnival Themed Haunted Attractions on the Planet. We get to go to a Boatload of Haunts across this country every year. We have seen many Carnival type Haunts but none and I mean zero that match what Reapers has done. From Real Carnival rides to Amazing Actors and a crazy Fun-House. The Lost Carnival has it all and will shake you. Let us get to the scoring of The Lost Carnival!
After you finish The Lost Carnival, You end up right across the "street" from their Newest Attraction that opened Last Season. Delirium. Delirium is a 3D glasses Walk through like nothing we have seen before. We have seen this concept come up in other Haunts but with the Reaper's Tough, it is more intense and more in your face. The Fantastic Acting Crew inside Delirium really make the difference. You add them and the perfectly planted Drop Panels, This Attraction will be sure to startle even the most experienced Haunt Fans. We cannot wait to see what Reapers does with this going forward. Let us get to the Scoring and we were quite surprised with how we scored the 3D maze that we are never really big fans of until walking into this one!
That is our first 5 bloodsplat review for a 3D Haunted Attraction. We were that impressed! After Delirium, you get back on the Hayride for a couple more Incredible displays and scenes and then you get off at the Notorious Pitch Black.
Many Haunts will have "Blackout Mazes". Some will have a couple. But NONE can match Pitch Black. Pitch Black will shake and spook out the most seasoned Haunt Veterans. Pitch Black is not your usual Blackout. Pitch Black will screw with every sense you have in your body. It will tap in to your instincts and nothing feels right or the same. Keep your hands up and they tell you to take your Hat and Glasses off for a reason so make sure you follow directions. Let us get to the scoring.
After experiencing the Best Blackout Maze I have ever been in that keeps getting better, you are ready for the last Attraction of the night. Sector 13. Sector 13 is a very intimidating look at an Outpost after a Virus or Zombie Apocalypse has taken place. You will be ordered in and questioned. There is massive Fan Interaction in this Attraction. From being taken to experimented on in front of your group. This Attraction really does a great job of bringing Fun to the all out Creepiness through out the Attraction. From being "De-loused" for lack of a better term to going through and seeing what all the mutants have done. This was a lot of fun and sometimes damn right intimidating. Let us get to the scoring of Sector 13.
That wraps up our Review of the Attractions. Reapers Revenge also has a ton of food, a giant Fire to sit by when your chilly and many photo ops around the "Grandstand". There are also a few games to play and a Giftshop even though there were no mugs for me this year. I will let it go since this Haunt is in the lead for everything after what we saw last night. Let us get to the final rating of Reapers Revenge.
We also had a chance to interview Todd who is a Co-Owner at Reapers Revenge and we will post that YouTube video right here. We Want to Than k Everyone at Reapers for an Amazing night filled with Horror, Knowledge and Behind the Scenes looks! We Thank You all so much! Let us get to this video with Todd and we will edit this review to add our Video Review Later! Thank you for stopping by HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
#4 Frightland.
Welcome back everyone to! Today we continue our Haunted Attraction Tour 2021 with our trip to Frightland. Frightland is celebrating their 25th season open and is a great night out located in Middleton, Delaware. Frightland is known for its eight Haunted Attractions and Carnival rides and games with food trucks. Let us get into this review.
This year, Maybe it is too early in the season but Frightland had a different feel to it. A lot was missing. From missing rides to missing food games. Frightland seemed really empty for 2021. This could all just be a result of it being so early in the season as they had only opened the night before our visit. But at HH365, we report what we see. And that is what we clearly saw. Let us get to the 8 Attractions that Frightland has to offer.
First on the agenda every night at Frightland is the Haunted Hayride. Your mission will start here as it used to drop you off to 4 more attractions. Now, they drop you off to 6 Attractions. This years Hayride was a fun ride. Many of the same scenes and props. Some great Animatronics along the way but it felt a little stale during the travel. The Actors really out did them selves on the Hayride which was its shiniest point for 2021. If you are new to Hayrides and only get to a couple each year, then you will enjoy the Haunted Hayride at Frightland. We will get to our scoring now.
After you finish up the Hayride, You are dropped off at Ravenwood Cemetery. Ravenwood Cemetery is your Haunted Cemetery walk through. The few Actors inside the cemetery made it worth the trip through. The lighting feels less lit to us this year. Almost like they took some of the effect lighting out. Something felt off with the lighting and the props activation as we were constantly a head of all of them. There are really cool animatronics inside this walk through but we missed a lot of them. Timing being off is kind of a thought for every attraction tonight but we will get into that later. We will get to the scoring of Ravenwood Cemetery.
Directly after the Cemetery, Your group will enter into FEAR. Fear is one of their younger Attractions at only a couple years old and you can see how it has grown but also, stayed the same. We enjoyed this walk through. We noticed the biggest lack of Actors in here. The few Actors inside though did pull of a great job! Also, We think the Jeep should be a little louder to really jump out. But, again like most of the night, we completely missed it as it was slow timed. Let us get to the scoring of FEAR.
After FEAR, You enter back in time to the Ol' Wild West. Yee Haw! Ghost Town. Ghost Town is a Western Style Walk Through. This could be fun for first time guest but this Attraction has not changed a bit in a while. The great factor about Ghost Town is The Actors! Great interaction with guests and great Character choices and accents to complete! The Actors keep this from being completely stale, They were seriously entertaining in this Attraction. Let us get to the Scoring.
Once you are don Ghost Town, You are directed right into Haunted Barn and then the Attic without a break. There is one portapotty, and that is fine if your group is only 3-4 deep. But, if your group is 20 deep and half of them have to use the rest room because it has been close to two hours since you have been able to stop at one. This is going to create a problem and there is nowhere to grab a drink or a snack until you are full done 6 full Attractions. Maybe this was a Covid Device or more likely a device to keep input flowing but this, in my opinion is a problem and makes the night less enjoyable. Well, onto Haunted Barn.
Haunted Barn is a nicely detailed walk through. There are a couple new scenes inside which were really cool but the lack of Actors inside one new scene really missed the mark for what could have been a great scare as there is a massive distraction in the room. The Actor inside there was very funny and very clever. He did a great job messing with you. He did an amazing job. And saved this Attraction from being almost boring. Let us get to the scoring of Haunted Barn.
After Haunted Barn you are directed to the Attic.
The Attic was a winding black out maze. From basically the start of the Attraction you are blind and only using your hands to escape the terror. I had a good time in this Attraction this year. The Wifey even got to feel a shock panel. The Actors did a great job with the timing of their scares and hid very well. Decent use of animatronics in here to do the good olé swap scare. This is not your Grandmothers Attic and that is for sure. This was one of the better Blackout mazes of the season and we will see how it scored out.
After your trip through The Attic. You are FINALLY released back into the Midway. I have to be flat out with all of you. This was a tough transition doing 6 Attractions back to back to back. This may have been Covid founded to help separate people or it could help them with the input/output. For me, there is only one porta potty on the journey through. On their normal nights these 6 Attractions could easily take well into 2-3 hours to get through. Also, with not coming back to the midway, you miss out on grabbing a drink and taking a quick break. Was not a fan of this, but if it helps input/output there is nothing we can do but understand. After you are released into the Midway the only option left is to enter Idalia Manor.
Idalia Manor is always my favorite Attraction at Frightland. 2021 was no different. I must have something for "Haunted House" walk throughs. They are always the top of my lists from Idalia Manor to Bates Motel. I really get into the House walkthroughs. Idalia Manor is an outstanding High Detail Haunted Attraction. With fun and sometimes shocking passageways, Idalia Manor brings the fun and the scares to you. It is very hard to find the Haunt coming to you inside here with the great layout and planning and even set detail bring this Haunted Manor to life. This is really the main reason I come to Frightland as often as I can. Let us get to the scoring!
After Idalia Manor, You are directed right to the Biggest Surprise of the Night! Zombie Prison!
Ladies and Gentleman, Zombie Prison is all new! My tunnel entrance was lacking a little bit but it was still hard to see in front of you so the Effect still works. Zombie Prison used to be a blackout maze. Now, You enter a REAL prison! They went up and above inside this Haunted Attraction. We do not know if that was done this season or last as we missed the 2020 Season at Frightland. We really enjoyed the look of the basically Brand New Attraction. We cannot wait to see what is to come for Zombie Prison. Let us get to the scoring.
That is what we have for you from the Attractions at Frightland. We went early in the season so we will see how the season shapes up for the Great team at Frightland. There was certainly things we did not enjoy about the night but this is all subjective. We still think Frightland was great night out and think you should go! Frightland is always a good time and a goodnight out to be had by all. Let us get to the overall scoring of Frightland 2021.
That is all we have for you today at HH365. Click the thumbnail below to view our Video Review of Frightland. Thank you for reading Halloween Haunts, Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
#5 Temecula Terror
Welcome back everyone to Halloween Haunts Today we have a real treat. We were invited to a Media night to a Brand New Haunt from across the country. Located in Temecula, California. Temecula Terror is the latest and greatest coming from The Bloodshed Brothers. We were able to send a friend of the website inside to get the full Review of Temecula Terror. Let us get to Lisa's Review Now!
Temecula has been a haven for attractions for many years and most notably for their coveted wineries. Located in the Inland Empire and sprawling with hillsides laced with windy roads, Temecula created an ideal palette for this year’s freshest horror attraction: Temecula Terror 2021.
Going in blindly to something new was exciting. Having no previous history or expectations, as well as venturing into territory that was more rural than most haunts I’ve experienced in the past, added to my anticipation.
Upon arrival, I was greeted by hosts at the check-in stand, who then guided me into a cemented tunnel of green lights and smoke. It was considered the entrance to Temecula Terror and I was so intrigued as to what was at the end of that cryptic tunnel. As I walked inside the tunnel, I was met with a sprinting character who appeared to be jester and clown-like. I already loved the mystery coupled with a jumpscare entrance prior to even entering the haunt. Definitely a nice touch!
Once at the end of the tunnel, I was able to grasp the layout and explore a bit prior to the official “opening” of the mazes and haunt attraction. To the right were vendor tents/booths, a stand and repeat sign that showcased the Temecula Terror logo for an optimal photo, food stands, as well as a single carnival ride. On the flip side was the entract to the hauntland, as well as three bars for cocktails. The most eye-catching part of the entrance was the giant devil with his mouth open as the gateway to enter and the signage that read: “Enter Here/Enter At Your Own Risk.” The art for the sign had a vintage carnival appeal and immediately piqued my curiosity.
Before the mazes/haunts opened, I ventured around to check out the vendors. Unfortunately, the vendors didn’t quite seem to meet the initial feel for a Halloween/haunt attraction and just seemed irrelevant. There was so much focus on contemporary/bohemian fashion/jewelry, which didn’t quite seem to fit the overall theme. However, there were food and drink vendors that more than made up for this, as there was a fun selection of tasty options.
There were a few core areas to snag a tasty drink, but the VIP Bar was definitely my favorite for premiere libations. Whiskey and rum were some of the strongsuited drinks, which were doppled with dry ice adding to a spooky vibe and almost cauldron-like.
Once the grand entrance to the haunt was announced, all of the scare actors paraded in and passed in a line showcasing a sneak peek of what was to come inside.
I first ventured into the line for one of the mazes closest to the entrance called “Hyde Street Haunted House.” I was immediately drawn to the ambiance of halloween decor, spooky lighting, and a feeling as though I was entering a real house which borderline a farmhouse.
Once I entered, I was immediately amazed by how some of the rooms were decorated. It felt as though I was wandering someone’s personal quarters and taking a tour of their home. Each room was uniquely themed and quite honestly were picture-worthy in every way. One room theme was vintage Halloween full of blow-molds of ghosts, pumpkins, and more. Let’s just say it was a room I didn’t want to leave due to sheer Halloween aesthetic perfection. There was also a witch room, creepy doll room, and a hanging jack-o-lantern hallway that were equally magical.
All aesthetic and decor aside, there were fewer jumpscares of all the mazes and seemingly less scare/haunt actors in this maze. There’s definitely nothing wrong with that, since what may have been lacking in scares, easily was made up for with incredible vibes, decor, and photo-worthy atmosphere.
Scoring for Hyde Street Haunted House.
The second maze I dove into was called “The Crypt.” It was immediately eye-catching before you even entered as it had a fun cemetery full of gravestones and skeletons, as well as a giant flying demon right above the entrance door. This maze was much darker and had more involvement by the haunt actors. Definitely much creepier than the first.
Skeletons, demons, and giant spiders had some jump-scares that involved both animatronics, as well as haunt actors. One of my favorite areas in the maze involved their lighting in what looked like a green abyss. This was a massive illusion that was not only visually appealing, but also creepy due to a lack of vision and wandering into the unknown where jumpscares may have lurked.
Scoring for The Crypt.
Last, but not least, was the third maze titled “Butterfield Asylum.” What’s a good scarezone and haunt without an insane asylum right? This maze was probably the best combination or aesthetic, theme, and jump-scare tactics. One of the most memorable things was also how incredibly vivid some of the dolls and mannequins were that were used as props, as they were incredibly life-like and terrifying. Major kudos to that makeup and visual FX.
The scare actors seemed to have more of a storyline and interactions with the participants in the maze, which I thought was fascinating. It was almost as if we were part of the entire story, so it truly added to the context of the maze and made it that much more exciting and creepy. Both the room with the bunk beds, as well as the schoolhouse classroom had elements that reminded me so much of Guillermo Del Toro’s “The Devil’s Backbone,” as well as Session 9.
Scoring for Butterfield Asylum
Overall, the mazes were well-made, themed accordingly, and had some fantastic props. The haunt actors were doing a fun job with allowing me to digest each maze, yet equally doing their best to scare and entertain.
Even outside of the maze and within the courtyard, there was an overall circus-town and carnival-like environment which gave me some Rob Zombie movie vibes like in the film “31.” I love how that theme coupled with the notion that I was in the middle of a very rural wine-country, really felt like the perfect location for Temecula Terror. Definitely a fantastic event for some fresh horror fiends and ghoulish Halloween fans alike! Final Scoring for Temecula Terror!
Wow! It looked like Lisa really had a good time at Temecula Terror! We owe a Huge Thank You to the Media Group there! Both Marissa's and The Bloodshed Brothers for having us out and diving deep into your Brand New Haunted Attraction. We wish you many years of success and cannot wait to come back. We will interview Lisa our Interviewer and Marissa soon on the You tube channel and post it here as well later on to keep it all together!
That is all we have for you today at HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Photo Drop of Some Great Images taken at Temecula Terror
Brighton Asylum
Welcome back everyone to the next episode of Halloween Haunts Today we continue our Haunt Tour to one of our All Time Favorite Haunted Attractions. Brighton Asylum. Brighton Asylum constantly lives up to the hype year after year and to not spoil the review too early, Brighton continues to blaze in its path to Greatness.
Brighton Asylum is now made up of three Haunted Attractions. Port9L, Brighton Asylum and The Bleeding Grounds. Everything here starts by boarding an outstanding prop and activity. Just make sure you hold on as you enter The Port9L.
Yes, we borrowed the picture from our friends at Brighton Asylum. No pictures can be taken inside of the Attraction and we will respect that. The Port9l is a hard one to explain because the Theme is all over the place and we love that. It is pretty much going through an abandoned Subway to reach Brighton Asylum. You will find shocks and crazy animatronics as you traverse some new walking conditions inside. I love the detail that Port9l brings and I enjoy watching this newer Attraction grow every year under the outstanding minds for Horror at Brighton Asylum. Let us get to the scoring of Port9l.
After you make it out of the abandoned subway tunnel. You see the brilliant façade of Brighton Asylum.
Brighton Asylum is always my favorite walk through every year. 2021 is no different. The craziness and scares inside here are Legendary. This year the Actors were outstanding, The new scenes were out of this world and the Wife hit her "Hollywood" scream quite a few times inside. Brighton Asylum was the one to keep her screaming the most in 2021. We have quite a few more to go this season so we will see if anyone can get her to go off like that again. Brighton Asylum is exactly what it says in the title, a walk through Asylum where the locked up are free and ready to attack. When you add in Hollywood scenes and Outstanding Trained Actors, What you get is Brighton Asylum. A true visual experience for any Haunt Fan. Let us get to the scoring.
Wow is really all I have to say about Brighton Asylum this year. Before we head on over to The Bleeding Grounds, I want to thank Stacy for providing some great feedback. Stacy is a great friend of the website even though she HATES all of this. Over time it is hard to tell how scary a place could be just because we are all so desensitized to these scenes and Horror. Stacy Bravely went through all three Attractions with us and really showed us the Fear is Real inside Brighton Asylum. Stacy, Thank you for being so Brave and I am really proud of you that you made it through All three Attractions.
Now, after you finish Brighton Asylum, You enter The Bleeding Grounds.
The Bleeding Grounds setting is set in the Employees of the Asylums housing. This is one of their newest Attractions and it does not look it. The detail and acting holds up to both previous Attractions. The rooms are out of your Worst Nightmares and the Actors are in perfect spots to make you wet your pants. Do you have what it takes to finish The Bleeding Grounds alive and make it out of the Final Attraction at Brighton Asylum. Stacy barely did but can you? I am leaving a lot out of this one because people need to witness this ingenious walk through on their own. I will however, share the scoring of The Bleeding Grounds.
That is the scoring for all of the Attractions at Brighton Asylum. There is so much more to do including, Axe throwing, Escape rooms with many different timing choices to fit your schedule. We tried out the Bomb Squad 5 minute escape room and failed miserably. It was really tough for a five minute escape room but it was fun. They have an updated Horror Museum and great Gift shop and more. Brighton Asylum is great night out. Check out some of the sites in this small you tube video we made of our trip. As you can see Frankie is out there to get you along with other great Cast members. There is now so much to do its fun for the entire family. Here is our final scoring of Brighton Asylum as a whole.
So far for 2021, We only have 3 Perfect Score Haunts. Will there be more? We will see! Below we will be recording a Video Review of Brighton Asylum below with some special guest stars.
That is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts! Where Every Day is Haunt Season. Also, Check out this Photo Drop of the great things to see at Brighton Asylum.
Night of Terror
Welcome back everyone to another edition of! Tonight our travels led us to Mullica Hill, New Jersey and Night of Terror at Creamy Acres Farm. Night of Terror, we believe they are in their 26th year according to a sign inside one of the Attractions. Night of Terror was one of my first Haunts that I have visited. This year we brought some fans with us as pictured below.
Let us get into our 2021 Review of Night of Terror. Night of Terror is home of Four Attractions. The first one of the night
We hoped on the Hayride and we were instantly surprised. The first scene was brand new and pretty greatly detailed. Many more followed suit and the Actors were outstanding! This hayride was one of the longest shows we have been on this year. It felt never ending and we enjoyed that to the Max! There was a lot more scenes then most Haunted Hayrides with great lighting and animatronics. The did however miss an opportunity to put some of the electric crackers in a "Shocking" scene but other then that, this Hayride scored nicely. Here is the scoring of Ride of Terror.
After The Ride of Terror you enter into The Harvest
Harvest was once a Haunted Corn Maze that must have been hell on output because I would be trapped in there for at least 30 minutes each time. Harvest is one hell of an Improvement from that crazy corn maze! Harvest had the entire group jumping out of their shoes as the scares are hard to see. Then it turns into more intense scenery. Harvest was great mix of the old Corn field and a Haunted Walk through. I am upset we missed the bubble machine though as telling by the residue and mud. That had to be a shit ton of bubbles! Let us get to the scoring!
Next up for the night was The Playground.
The Playground was probably my favorite Attraction of the evening. This 3-D Clown Playhouse is beautiful done and has some of the coolest effects of the night. From chainsaws in colors that we have never seen to high quality props and great Actors, The Playground came to play! It followed the them of Night of Terror as you are inside the playhouse for a great amount of time. There is so much to see with the 3-D glasses you almost have to go back to catch it all. Here is our scoring for The Playhouse in 2021.
a Four Bloodsplat you ask? This Attraction was basically a 4.9. It was right on the border of a 5.0. But we felt we needed one or two more jump scares to give it that 5 Blood Splat rating. We still LOVED this Attraction.
After The Playground, you are sent into Dark Dreams. Which has by far the best Façade at Night of Terror. I really wish I remembered to pull our the camcorder for footage for our evolving You Tube intro! Oh Well. Dark Dreams is a lot like what the title says. You are surrounded by some of your worst nightmares. It was a nice long walk through with many different rooms, including something for you Christmas weirdos out there. Dark Dreams did a great job with bringing some really creepy dreams to life! Let us get to the scoring of Dark Dreams.
That wraps up the Attractions at Night of Terror for 2021. These Attractions are very long and worth the wait and money. It feels like you are in there longer then you are with so much to look at and run from. They will entertain the biggest Haunt Fans and the Newcomers. With the Attractions, there is a nice "Fairground" outside of the Attractions to grab food and drink along with a lot of Photo Ops along the way. Sadly, we did not get to try the Brisket at the stand as we arrived too late. Let us put up the overall ranking for Night of Terror 2021.
There was one full 5 blood splat Attraction being the hayride. A couple were very close to 5 blood splats as well. We will look forward to see what 2022 brings for Night of Terror. Make sure you check out the video below of our Video Review of Night of Terror 2021 on You Tube. That is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts Also! All images of the Attractions are property of Night of Terror. We don not like using them but the signs did not really work for Photos and there was not really enough time to snap a pic as we were lucky enough to keep going and not wait in line!
Bates Motel
Welcome back everyone to the latest edition of Halloween Haunts Last night we took an Epic trip through Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride. This time though, we felt like we were in Brand New Attractions. Enough waiting, let us just dive into the details about Bates Motel 2021.
Bates Motel is a Great night out for everyone. There have something for the entire family. Three World Class Attractions, Food, Escape Rooms, Axe Throwing, Hell even Coffin Rides if your feeling that kind of way that night. We started our trip on "Haunted Hayride". But WAIT!!!!! For 2021, The Haunted Hayride at Bates Motel is called Psycho Path. In 2021, you get to WALK THE HAYRDIE! WOW! I heard this from another review group, the original Haunt Review Crew. I did not know how this would sit with me. I love hayrides. But I love Set Designs more. It did not really dawn on me until I was standing next to a scene I have only seen going by in a cart. I got to walk up to it and see the detail. You Could Finally See Everything! I LOVED WALKING THIS HAYRIDE!! This was outstanding and a great Covid fix idea that should stay. I think it will completely help their input-output on crazy nights like last night where the Hayride line was basically around the park. I am going to leave all of the scenes out of this review except one. The Dragon scene with the volcanos was out of this world and I loved being so close to it to really catch all of the missed details. I will just jump to the scoring as you should just jump in your car and get there tonight!
Yes, that is a full 5 blood splat review from Not many of them out there for hayrides this year but this was well-deserved. Directly after Psycho Path, you are sent into the queue line for Revenge of the Scarecrows. We do not have the best entrance photo for this as it came up really quick and I did not want the phone out while entering the Attraction so we will borrow one from The Bates Motel Website.
Again, This is not our photo and all rights are reserved by Bates Motel and their Ownership Team. Now, Revenge of the Scarecrows is a walking trail Attraction. It does a great job with the Actors and the Scenes as you traverse many different types of scenes. This is not your typical Trail as there are many times you enter into full on houses and mazes. From Cemeteries to Snake Pits, This Trail has a shit ton! This Attraction feels to us like it changed the least but overall, it was still a fun trip through. Let us get to the scoring. Our only even smallest point would be that it lacks a little of the Intensity of the other Attractions. Which depending on Group Personalities, May not even be a bad thing! But, we call it how we see it here at HH365!
After Revenge of the Scarecrows. You get to Visit the Belle of the Ball. Bates Motel.
Do not be surprised if you do not recognize most of The Bates Motel for 2021. The team was very busy this offseason and as many as 9 rooms were completely changed and additions were added to others. This Attraction Blew it out of the park! I loved every second, every scene, every change made in this Attraction in 2021. This one is easy and worth any line or price of admission. This will easily be in the running at the end of the year for Attraction of the Year! Here is my scoring for Bates Motel.
After you are done Bates Motel, you are finally allowed back into the park area. Not a huge fan of this design but we understand and Bates did it very different. There were employees available if you wanted to go get a drink before the next Attraction so you were not completely stuck like others. Bates has a great Gift Shop and Great food including a normal food spot and a Fresh Donut stop. You can jump in a coffin, you can buy some swag, you can throw Axes and Escape from certain doom. All of this is Available for you to have a great time this Fall. The also have traveling escape rooms, laser tag and axe throwing if your company needs something fun to do.
Bates can be a great night out for the entire family, even if you have the misses or the little ones who are too scared to go into the these Attractions. There is plenty of other stuff to do! Here is our final score of Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride or Psycho Path.
That is all we have for you today at HH365! It has been a fun Half Season with way more to go. Check out our You tube video and podcast below. Make sure you subscribe and enjoy. Thanks for stopping by HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Nightmare on Gravity Hill
Welcome back to another edition of HH365! Today we have another wonderful Haunt Review coming out of our Correspondent, John! John has been with us for quite a few years and really helps us out when we get jammed up with to many Haunts! John recently visited Nightmare On Gravity Hill in Jackson, NJ. Nightmare on Gravity Hill is a non stop walk through with many different scenes that you go through on your way to the end. Let us get to John's Review of 2021 Nightmare on Gravity Hill!
Welcome back to another review for the 2021 season! This past Weekend we took a trip over to Jackson, NJ to go check out Nightmare at gravity hill and it was worth the trip. Tickets will run you $35 for the 45 minute trail and it was worth every dollar. Express passes will cost you $50, now let’s get into the attraction.
You start off by walking through a ghost town and it was honestly impressive how well the town looked and the actors were pretty good in this segment. One thing I noticed about this place is that a good part of it is walking along paths with black tarps but all the scenes your able to walk through and interact with is amazing. The Freddy Kruger scene and the theater scene are hands down my favorite, not to give too much away for the theater scene but the showing of jaws is the best showing of a movie ever. The Freddy scene was good but the 2 actors for the scene really brought the area alive. Besides that, your journey will take you through a voodoo shack, a butchery, and a decently sized cemetery. The things that really stuck with me was the scene, and actors just due to the fact that they went all out for the scenes and the actors were energetic and ruthless which really gave the place another bonus points in my book. The length was good as well it’s truly a 45 minute trail.
I definitely will be coming back here again to see what they improve on and add. For my first time here, this place made me want to come back next year. Thank you for reading!!!!!
Scoring For Nightmare on Gravity Hill:
Wow! A Great review out of a growing Haunted Attraction. We visited Nightmare on Gravity Hill close to two years ago I believe and it looks like it is growing nicely and with a Nightmare scene, I may have to make a visit back next season. We will have John on the podcast and you tube show soon to go over this Haunt, HHN and a few other things once we can set up when to record! Make sure you all subscribe to the You Tube channel and podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast and many other platforms! That is all we have for you today at HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Bloodshed Farms
Welcome back everyone to Halloween Haunts Tonight we complete our 2021 Review of The Last Drive, Located at Bloodshed Farms in Columbus, New Jersey.
The Masterful Brains of Bloodshed Farms has had a lot of Adversity to compete with in the last couple years. They have had their plates full of problems and issues, but really, to come up with this idea, nothing short of Genius. This is a Haunted Drive Thru. The Team has really busted their ass to get a new idea off the floor and run with it. And they took the Idea and ran it right into the End-Zone.
The trip starts before you even enter the Haunt. There are line Actors ready to torture you before you enter. There is even a cool food Drive-Thru set up so you can enjoy some snacks as you travel through the Attraction.
This is one of the most original Ideas we have stumbled upon. They have built what was The Last Ride Hayride into a Drive-Thru from hell. You will drive through a ton of sets and scenes along the way. You will encounter some great creatures and Actors along the trip that took us about 25 minutes to complete. The Actors are great and the Scenes are on the way up! Much Improved over last year. From funny scenes to downright chilling scenes, The Team at Bloodshed Farms never disappoints as you can always expect a Family type of Haunted Attraction with some great screams and jumps mixed right in. This is also a great way to ease the littler ones into Haunted Attractions to prep them for more shocking exhibits in the Future. We dragged my 12 and 9 year old through last night and they had a lot of fun mixed in with a ton of screaming and maybe a tear or two. This will not be the Scariest Haunt of your season but I will Guarantee you have a great time. Now let us get to the scoring of Bloodshed Farms The Last Drive!
Well, That is what we have for you today from HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season! Make sure you check out our Video Review Below! Subscribe and like!
Freakling Bros
Welcome back to another episode of HH365! Today we will talk a little bit about my work trip to Vegas and some of the Attractions I was able to hit. A few others will be coming down the pipeline after the season because they are not Haunts and now is the time for Haunt Reviews! Moving on, lets take a look into Freakling Bros Horror Shows.
Freakling Bros is a Haunted Attraction located just a few miles from the Las Vegas Strip. It is made up of there Attractions. Castle Vampyre, Coven of 13 and Gates of Hell. There is also a photo booth to see your fear when you are done and a food truck set up so you can eat while you are out there. Also, This Haunt is open seven days the last two weeks of October which is outstanding. Let us get to our first visit to Horror Shows.
My first walk through of the evening was Castle Vampyre. Obviously, This walk through is based on Vampires. My first couple steps through had me thinking that this was going to be a pretty lame Attraction. Boy, WAS I FUCKING WRONG! Yes, I just cursed. Get over it. This walk through was outstanding. I so want to go into details but we are not allowed at HH365. The couple things I can tell you about this certain walk through, keep your hands up and your heads down! Great job by the Actors and Scenes. Had some very terrifying moments and all in all a great walk through. I will do the scoring now because I am itching to give it all away.
On to the next Attraction. If you do these three in this order, your night will increase in intensity. Next up!
Coven of 13. You are being recruited to fill out a Coven of Witches. This walk through was quite similar to Castle Vampyre but much more fun and intense. This Attraction was fun and like all of the Attractions at Freakling Bros, longer then you would expect looking at the buildings from the outside. There is a great trick at the Entrance that your Narrator still has not figured out how they pulled it off that quickly in his head, but I will! Also, be ready to be slim with some sparks to perk up the Ozone! Here is our scoring of Coven f 13.
Now, With this next Attraction. The show took a turn towards the R rated.
Gates of hell is kind of like a separate show at Freakling Bros Horror show. You must sign a separate waiver to get in this Attraction alone. This is the first "Extreme Haunt" I have been to. This was quite the experience. This was not for the faint of heart. This was an extreme test of what you can handle. I am kind of glad I went in alone because I do not know many people that could have finished that experience. This cannot be scored like a regular Attraction because it was not like anything we have seen. This was a whole different kind of show then your usual Haunted Attraction. I was able to get through but the Intensity did get to me a little bit. Toward the end, yes, I was a bit shaken and looking forward to the end. This Attraction is really for the brave and people with years of experience in these Attractions. You will be cursed at, soaked, shocked and more. These are easily some of the best Actors I have ever seen to be able to bring the pain like that all night long. I will stop here and maybe go a little deeper on the YouTube show. The scoring will take away from what this show really is but the super acting is what carries this to a 5 bloodsplat Attraction.
Let us get to the Final Score of Freakling Bros Horror Shows.
This final score is more like a 4.9999999999. Even though this Haunt reads as a 4 bloodsplat Haunt, It is a MUST-SEE HAUNT. If you are ready for the next level of Fear. Get to Vegas. You will not be sorry. Thank You Freakling Bros for the invitation. I saw things in all three Attractions I have never seen before. This is a must see if you are in town. Check out the Video below for a deeper dive into Freakling Bros Horror shows. That is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts, Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Legends of the Fog
Welcome back everyone to HH365! Today we continue this long and winding Haunt Tour with Legends of the Fog located in Aberdeen, Maryland and this was our first visit to this Haunt ever. Let us get into the review.
Legends of the Fog is made up of Four Attractions including Haunted Hayride, The Farewell Hotel, Corn Stalkers and Their newest Attraction, Slaughterhouse. There is also a great midway with a ton of games and things for everyone in the family to do. Plus, if your cold you can always stand by the decent sized fire in the middle of all the fun. Here are a few pics of the Midway.
Well, let us get our hands dirty into the Attractions. First Up Haunted Hayride.
The Haunted Hayride at Legends of the Fog was a lot like the rest of the Haunt, PG. This entire Haunt is more set towards the fun side of Halloween where the entire family can have a good time. Very little if any scares. Some fun scenes and some funny Actors. This is not your usual Haunt night out. It is more of an easy ride for almost beginners to the genre. I enjoyed the Cemetery scene for the short time your in it. Would have loved to stop or at least slowed down to check out the great lighting and a crazy effect in one of the Mausoleums. Let us get to the scoring.
After you leave the Hayride you enter back into the Midway so you can grab a snack or play a game. The next three Attractions are all back to back. Next Up. The Farewell Hotel.
The Farewell Hotel was a decent length Attraction that could really be so much more. There is such potential for hidden and jump scares. Funny and scary gags along the way but it really feel short for us. It was beautifully designed but the rest was not there. We are not sure if it was an off night or just letting way to many in at a time that we missed a lot. But there is a great room that I have not seen in a Attraction where you can really add a jump or a laugh and it just was not there. We will get deeper into this on the podcast. Here is our scoring for The Farewell Hotel.
Right after the Farewell Hotel. You enter Cornstalkers.
Cornstalkers is a "Haunted" Corn Maze. Sort of. It is more of a "Haunted" Corn Walk. I really hate to do this but I promised seven years ago to be brutally honest. This is The Worst Attraction I have ever been in. There is nothing going on. You cannot get lost. The Actors are too deep in the corn that you can actually hear them before the scare. There is nothing to this Attraction. Maybe some different color lighting? Blinding lights? Actors that do not have to run through the corn to get to you. It really gave their hard work away and were not able to achieve any scare. I was excited for this because other "Corn Mazes", Actors have the chance to be right on top of you without notice or even seeing them. Usually produces a good scare. But, this like the two other Attraction really falls into that PG Rating. If you have young ones, they will enjoy it but this is not for the Haunt Fanatic in the least. Let us get to the scoring of Cornstalkers.
The Actors who were trying their best kept this from being our first ever one bloodsplat Attraction. Now, let us get into the last Attraction. Slaughterhouse.
Slaughterhouse is one of the newer Attractions at Legends of the Fog and I am interested in what it can become. Right now, you can tell they are still working on it but it did have my favorite Scene of the night. It was great how the metal fence dead ended in the Hard Rock room. We will also get more into that during the podcast at the bottom of this review. This was much better then Cornstalkers. Let us get to the scoring.
Well. A mixed bag for our first visit to Legends of the Fog. Speaking of, with a name like that we need MORE FOG. Here is our final score of Legends of the Fog 2021.
That is our final score for Legends of the Fog 2021. If you are a young family, or do not like to be scared all night, this place is for you. With the games and slower paced Attraction we can see the draw from the kids to the Pre Teens. If you are a bigger Haunt Fan. Legends of the Fog is not for you. So check out the video below for a little deeper look into Legends of the Fog and that is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Valley of Fear:
Welcome back to another edition of Halloween Haunts 365! Tonight we continue our Haunt Season with a journey to The Valley Of Fear and the Original Hayride. Valley of Fear is located in Feasterville-Trevose, PA. Valley of Fear is made up of Three Haunted Attractions for the 2021 Season. Miles Manor, Willie's Shipwreck Cove and The Original Haunted Hayride. There is also some nice bonfires and some good full out food available before or after your journey through the Valley. Let us get to the Attraction Reviews.
Our first stop is always The Original Haunted Hayride. This hayride really has it all. Great scares, Great Actors, Great Shows and outstanding special effects. We wish it was a tad bit longer but all in all I really enjoyed this hayride this year. Another good feature with this hayride is that they mix in movies with original scenes. The tough your nostalgic side while adding a pinch of new. With great sound in the actual scenes it really adds to the drama. This is one of the few Must See Hayrides of the season. Let us get to the scoring because we have to add another Hayride into the Final Votes for Hayride of the year.
Next up was another Great Attraction at Valley Of Fear.
Miles Manor. Miles Manor is a great Manor Walk through. With great jump scares and outstanding acting at every turn. This attraction was tons of fun. We even got some new jump scares that I did not even see where it came from. The fantastic Façade is only the beginning of Miles Manor. Plus! That fog game was off the charts and I loved it. Let us get to the scoring of Miles Manor.
Very close to a 5 blood splat Haunted Attraction. I think it will be there soon. Now onto the Final Attraction of the night.
Willie's Shipwreck Cove.
Willie's Shipwreck Cove was a new idea on the Haunted Trail concept. It feels like you are walking through a Pirate town. Good Actors throughout and some really cool effects that if your not careful will have you jump the plank. This was a decent length Trail but you can see it was in its first year and we are excited to see what more comes to it. The amount of work done already was astounding but there was still some heavy downtimes. We are excited for its future. Let us get to the scoring of Willie's Shipwreck Cove.
Valley of Fear is a wonderful night out. Make sure you go check it out before its too late! Here is our overall scoring of The Valley of Fear and Original Haunted Hayride.
Check out our Video Review below that goes a little deeper into the Haunt. It is right below!
As for this review, that is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Welcome back everyone to Halloween Haunts As you can see from the borrowed picture above, Today we had a chance to sit down with John, Our HHN Insider. In the following video we will go through every Attraction in Universal Studios Orlando including the shows, food and more! We also had a bonus review of Mortem Manor Located in Kissimmee, Florida as well. Check out this Borrowed Picture as well.
Check out the Video Below. Our full Review from John about HHN. We have two more interviews about HHN coming and one from across the country for HHN Hollywood. That is all we have for you today at HH365! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season.
Oasis Island of Terror
Welcome back to another episode of Halloween Haunts Tonight, we continue with our next stop on the 2021 Haunt Tour. Our Correspondent John went out to Oasis Island of Terror. Let us see what he had to say about a newly covered Haunted Attraction from HH365. Lets go!
Oasis Island of Terror 2021 Review
Welcome back to another review for the 2021 season! This past Weekend we took a trip over to Robbinsville NJ to check out Oasis Island of Terror! There are two attractions at Oasis Island of Terror, and they are Blackout, and the Woods have Eyes trail. The Midway there is kind of cool looking. It is like a little farm town which they use during the day for kids to roam around and do other stuff. The pumpkin displays were amazing, and the main display was a Jack and Sally pumpkin statue scene. Now let’s get into the attractions…
The first attraction we entered was Blackout and Man, This Attraction did not have it. This attraction was like getting stuck in a black trash bag with 4 actors wearing bad masks for five minutes. You’re just walking through what seems to be like a tent with trash bags for walls and actors popping out of little holes throughout the bags. I was really disappointed with this attraction but what else could you expect from a blackout attraction besides Pitch black at Reapers. Now let’s get into the second attraction here.
Next up is The Woods have Eyes.
This attraction was 1000 times better than the Blackout attraction. You could compare this to Nocturnal Wasteland at Field of Screams. Your journey through the woods takes you up to a chicken shack with a inbred chicken human looking thing, a swamp with the Wendigo chasing after you, and probably my favorite part about this attraction was your walking into a kitchen with a clown but you get stuck in the kitchen and you might have to walk through a fridge with a very hungry Vampire. The only annoying parts of this attraction was that there were a lot of dead space and I mean a lot, you would go maybe 5-10 minutes without any actors. I felt the slow part was a little too long. One thing I want to add is that it’s just you and your group walking through the trail they space each group with a 3 minute gap which made it a little more entertaining.
So, to finish up. Oasis Island of Terror has a lot of room for improvements to do especially starting off with getting rid of that Blackout attraction. But I would give this place another chance in the future, and I would recommend coming out for the Woods have Eyes attraction. Thank you for reading!!!!! Here is my final score from Oasis Island of Terror
There is also an Escape Room and things for the little ones to do during the day time. So make sure you check out Oasis Island of Terror. Thanks again for reading!
Well, a Big Thank You to John for covering some Haunts we could not make it to in 2021. We have all been very busy providing you with the most Honest Reviews around. That is all we have for you today at Halloween Haunts! Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Bennett's Curse
Welcome back to Halloween Haunts Today we have another Remote Review from John from Bennett's Curse. It looked like he had a good time. Let us send it to John!
Welcome back to another review for the 2021 season! This past Weekend we took a trip over to Maryland to go check out Bennetts Curse! It is one massive Attraction split into 4 different segments which are Inferno 3D, Underworld, Ravenbrook Asylum, and Legends of Halloween. Now one thing that had me scratching my head is how are you going to have a 3D haunt but charge people for the 3D glasses? The queue line was actually interesting it was a lot of neon paint. Now let’s get into the attractions…
The first attraction we Started off with is Inferno 3D and hands down this was one of my favorite attractions here! The story behind it is your walking through the story of Dante’s Inferno. The whole Attraction was painted with that same neon paint but it made the Attraction look like you were walking through a comic book kind of. The best thing I saw was the giant 3 headed dog prop, it was the best prop I’ve seen all year. This walk thru was about 10-20 minutes give or take. Not really a lot of actors in this area as it was the same handful of actors that kept popping out but they were really amazing at what they were doing. The next attraction up is…
Next up is Underworld. The story behind this attraction is you are in Hell and you have to try and make it out of Lucifer’s Realm. This attraction was mostly a blackout maze but man the scenes you were able to see were beautiful. At one point your in Lucifer’s castle and you get jumped scared by Lucifer and his 2 demons. There were a lot more actors than the last Attraction and like the last one they really worked their asses off. At one point walking through this Attraction. I remember walking down a hallway with armor and there was a fallen obstacle you had to climb over which I don’t know if that was part of the attraction or not. This was probably a close second to being one of my favorite mazes but it didn’t just make it.
Next up is Ravenbrook Aslyum. Now this attraction is amazing. A lot of the stuff they did was completely different and amazing on how they pulled some of the stuff off. This attraction feels like a Brighton Asylum type haunt but a little bit different. The scenes could’ve been a little bit better looking but we’re still beautiful. I remember the floors were moving a lot and it was half blackout maze and half funhouse style type of maze.
Last up is honestly my FAVORITE maze here and the name of it is Legends of Halloween. This maze takes you through the Halloween world. You’ll come across giant killer spiders, Mummies, Zombies, Werewolves and more. The doll room in here was insane it scared me two times. The Cult room was hands down the best Cult room I’ve seen in any mazes this year. I loved everything about this maze, the scenes, scents, and of course the actors. If you love Halloween I would definitely recommend coming to Bennett’s Curse just for this attraction.
Now that’s the end of my review for Bennett’s Curse.
Here is the Overall:
I recommend coming here because this whole attraction is fantastic. just the one thing was charging for 3D glasses that just doesn’t sit right with me. I will be trying to come back here for the Krampus event that they do be sure to check for that.
Another cool review from John, Thank you man. Thank you for stopping by Halloween Haunts Where Every Day Is Haunt Season!
Awards Show!
Welcome Back Everyone to Halloween Haunts Today we present you with our Video Awards Show. Congrats to all of the Winners. The Website will be updated tomorrow with all of the winners. Feel free to watch the video now! Thank you to all the fans out there that read and watch, we love you all! Now, Without further Ado, Here is the Awards for 2021!
What a Fantastic 2021. We look forward to growing with all of the Haunts in 2022. Stay Tuned to Halloween Haunts Where every day is Haunt Season!
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